About the Staff of Simple Small Biz.com
David Tower
If you are a start-up company, family owned operation or a simple small business, then you probably have your own tales of small business success and failures. David Tower was and is one such entrepreneur who spent his whole life struggling and eventually succeeding in building several profitable companies. The remarkable thing is that for over twenty years of struggling and making every mistake imaginable, he documented his journey through audio tapes and written records. For two decades he did this with one goal in mind, to help others like himself discover the real secret of succeeding in small business. Using himself as a guinea pig, he followed several different paths, experimented with dozens of business models and relentlessly studied other small business success and failure stories. It took him ten years to discover that most of what was being taught in business schools and written in books was mostly nonsense.
Mr. Tower’s final stint in the large corporate environment was as head of the production facilities for one of the largest manufacturers of soldering machine equipment in the world. Frustrated with the bureaucracy, he left to work for a family owned simple small business, designing, producing and marketing scientific education equipment. After twenty years, helping to build this company up to a multi-million dollar enterprise, the company sold out and David was left deciding what to do next.
During all of this time Mr. Tower was running several small enterprises on his own. He was also traveling around the country with his wife as highly sought after corporate magicians. David’s involvement with company trade shows and corporate events gave him an insider’s view of the successes and failures of companies of every size. He was constantly inquiring into the marketing, promotions, structures and strategies of struggling and flourishing businesses both large and small. This knowledge became extremely valuable when it came to helping other simple small businesses create strong foundations.
To this day David Tower and his wife own and operate three successful companies, consult with hundreds of smaller businesses and David still finds time to do dozens of trade show presentations and corporate events for other businesses throughout the United States.
David Tower and associates aim to bring realistic, practical, and usable advice to the struggling entrepreneurs and to all small businesses. Our goal is to help people to become independent, free and able to enjoy life while at the same time providing for themselves financially in a real and meaningful way. We do not profess to be able to help you become a millionaire nor do we promote “get-rich-quick schemes”. Our intentions are to help those who long to enjoy the success of building a profitable and growing business in which they can be proud. More importantly to help others experience the freedom and self-discovery that are gained through the struggles, failures and successes of owning and operating a simple small business.